
Are you playing Games with me?

Kiefer and I at game night last night.  We played a game of Othello, I lost by a mere 2!  Then we played a game of Werewolf.  These were both immense fun, and I got to win at Werewolf by being the evil Werewolf Mayor!

The most exciting thing of the evening, however, was that I rode the motorcycle with a passenger for the first time last night.  Kiefer volunteered to be my first...er...victim.  Unfortunately he does not know how to be a passenger, and yes, you actually do have to know what to do.  Sometimes you lean in, know when to hold on to stop, and hold on to go.  when to adjust yourself, and when to just hold still!  Well He didn't know!  So he wiggled when he should have sat still, put his foot down (cardinal rule of being a passenger is you never put your foot down!), and couldn't make up his mind whether he was going to hold on to me or not.

Of course I have horrible braking and throttle control, and my corners are kindof....WIDE, and when he put his foot down it was because I jammed the brakes because there were people jumping in front of my right hand turn.  It doesn't help that i'm an inexperienced motorcyclist to start with, and that riding with a passenger makes EVERYTHING feel really strange (accelleration, turning, stopping, sitting at a stop light!).  To top it all off I'm used to riding a 2 wheel vehicle that's about 1/10th the weight at most!

All in all, after about a mile of our 5 mile ride Kiefer got more comfortable, and I got a little smoother, and we now have a MUCH greater appreciation for eachother's positions on the bike when we ride together.  I will say this though, being a passenger on the motorcycle is a HUGE exercise in trust, because you have to trust that your driver is going to know how to ride with a passenger.

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