
Dear fellow cyclist commuter,

You do not have a name, but you know who you are.  I like you.  I don't know you at all, but I like you.  Why?  Because we have something in common, and it's something I happen to be rather passionate about.  I will always smile and say hi to you.  I will ask how your ride is, not to make small talk because I don't like the sound of quiet, but because you might have some genuine advice or some good commentary.  Maybe you need to gripe about the guy who just cut you off, because "yeah I can't believe he did that either!  What a jerk!!!"

I check out your ride, and your gear, and note what I like, and what seems to be effective so that I might get a better idea of how effective various safety gear can be.

I respect you.  I respect that you choose to ride your bike, but I also respect you as I respect any other human being.  I will always say excuse me, and please and thank you.  I will not cut you off, or swear at you, or yell at you.  I treat you the way I wish to be treated, so you can feel the way I do when someone is genuinely nice you me.  I want to share with you.  Like I said...I like you.

So why do you feel compelled to be rude to me?  Sure many of us have a difference of opinion when it comes to street riding tactic.  I will not dispute this.  I, however (as high and mighty as this statement is) will not tell you what to do.  If you want to ride on the side walk, as much as it grates on my soul, go ahead.  Despite the fact that you are LESS visible to vehicles exiting driveways, and MORE likely to run over a pedestrian, I respect the very idea that you might not be comfortable with cars passing you at +30mph relative to your speed.  I'm not you, so I can't knock it.

Why do you have to pick on me for riding in the center of the lane on narrow streets?  If the lane width permits (i.e. car width + bike width+3 feet <= lane width) I will ride along the side.  I do not want to be "that guy" unnecessarily holding up traffic.  HOWEVER, my research shows conclusively that if lane width does not permit (i.e. car width+bike width+3 feet >= lane width) it is UNSAFE to ride on the side of the lane.  This is called Vehicular Cycling and even my own personal observation is that if I ride in the center of the lane, drivers respect me as a fellow, albeit slow in some cases, driver.  They pass by changing lanes fully, and change lanes again in front of me.  There is no aggression, it is just driving.

When I ride on the shoulder, they try to pass me with as little room as possible.  This not only makes me feel uncomfortable, but is extremely dangerous.  As a cyclist I have no escape path, and as a motorcyclist I know this is inherently wrong.  Choosing to put myself in this situation is like taking a gamble.  I'm not a gambling woman, and I'm not willing to put my life on the line for that bet, because the odds are NOT in my favor.

Finally, when you tell me "you're asking for it" inferring to me asking to be hit by a motorist while riding in the center lane, I am flabbergasted.  When you say things like this I am so affronted that those words crossed your lips without being met at the mental threshold by your censorship mechanism, that I find myself speechless.  To me, saying that, is like saying a woman is asking to be raped by wearing a short skirt.  I like to wear short skirts, I do NOT wish to be raped.  I don't wish that upon anyone, and I don't want to get hit by a car, nor do I want you to get hit by a car because you ride on the sidewalk.  This is not a logical argument as to why I should not continue my riding habits as is.

I am telling you this because I like you.  I feel a sense of camaraderie when I ride with you, whether you pass me, I pass you, or we ride along side for a few blocks.  I consider us to all be in a club together, and I will continue to do my best to be supportive of you when I ride, and aware of you when I drive.  I will still stop to help you with a flat, or a band aid.  All I ask is that you respect me too.



PS  I know that for every vocal person there are hundreds who would never think to say something like what has been said to me.  I know you are out there, and I love you too!  Keep riding!

1 comment:

  1. I always feel awkward riding in the traffic lane when I have to make a left-turn, for instance. I'm usually not too nervous about riding with traffic, but I think I probably live in a much lower traffic area.

    Definitely agree about not riding on the sidewalk.
