
Not running very well today.

So yesterday, since I arrived home a little late, we opted to go for a run following a much needed trip to the market.  Kiefer has been working on timed miles, and got down to the 7min range.  Good job Kiefer (maybe he will write a post about it)!!

Myself, meanwhile, has been suffering from an acute case of ankle blister since last week's dancing the night away.  So I started out running fine....got down the whole block before my asthma even kicked in, so that was definitely an improvement.  Eventually, though it did kick in (for some reason running is the #1 aggravator) so I had to go back to run/walking.  As much as I love interval training, you would think that after running off and on for 2 years I would be able to run better/longer than this.  Even when i ran very very regularly I couldn't keep running for an entire mile without feeling like I was breathing through a straw.

This is MORE frustrating, because I can push myself REALLY hard in the pool and it won't bother me, or REALLY hard on a bike, and still no issues, but as soon as I go to run I feel like I'm going to die.

Well, despite that, I'm used to dealing with it, so I powered on...until my foot started hurting.  See my blister was bothering me, so I started placing my foot funny when I ran (toe striking), and the bottom of my foot was telling me "oh HEEEEEEEEEECK NO!"  So ultimately I ended up walking the majority of the mile.  I know, I'll get there eventually.

No P90X last night or the night before, but tonight it's back on!  Then afterwards a nice quiet dinner with my kitty men, and some reading.  Gotta exercise the brain!

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